Hungarian singer receives 85 death threats because she is religious

The Hungarian singer Gabi Tóth gave an exclusive interview to Tények. In the interview, she let everyone know in tears that she had received 85 death threats in the near past. Although she has always been a divisive personality in Hungary, she has come under more attack than ever in the past year. Read our article to learn about why people are so mean to her.

85 death threats in the past year

In an exclusive interview with Tények Plus, Gabi Tóth spoke for the first and last time about the attacks she received. She has received 85 death threats from strangers in the last period, but she is also the target of daily frustrations from famous people, writes. What hurts Gabi Tóth the most is that several people have called for the death of her child, mainly because of her sympathies for the ruling parties.

Gabi Tóth has received a lot of hurtful comments lately. The number of what she called “hate tsunami” comments jumped when it was revealed a year ago that she was performing at the Eucharistic Congress, writes. The singer was surprised, as she sees that she has never hidden what she believes in and where her heart is.

She says she has never hidden her faith

“I have not hidden my faith. It wasn’t such a secret that would’ve been like I, a wild girl, suddenly came out like the great holy Virgin Mary. That’s pretty much what they dumbed me down to, they made my character into a joke, when I had been talking about my faith for years,”

said Gabi Tóth in TV2’s Tények Plus. She says she has become even more religious since the birth of her daughter, and sees Hannaróza as a gift from God.

As is known, the singer has been talking more about her political views as well as her faith over the past year. In the run-up to the elections, she committed herself to Fidesz-KDNP, including performing at the campaign rally of the governing parties, where she admitted that she found a loving environment like no other, as puts it.

Criticism over her political commitments

However, these commitments have not been without criticism. “We have received 85 death threats,” the singer said, highlighting that a significant part of the attacks came to her in comments and messages, but she also received many messages via her manager, including one who specifically wished for the death of her child.

The singer finally saw no other way out, she withdrew, which she had already posted about two days ago. “I’ve decided to mute my pages for a while”, wrote Gabi Tóth in her Facebook post on Tuesday evening, who “wants to return to reality, where there are real feelings”.

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Read also Pope Francis may visit Hungary! Here is when



  1. intolerant socialists who push their agenda while making death threats against Christians who harm nobody.

  2. It’s not freedom of religion is you want to force everyone into your religion. Stop pushing if you don’t want push back. No one is targeting this singer, but she does love the publicity. Christians harm nobody? Look at the history. Tolerance is not a Christian value.

  3. That is a problem that anyone who puts themselves on social media or out into the public eye deals with. There are a lot of sick people in the world with nothing but hate in their hearts & too much free time. Just think of how terrible it is to be their coworker or freind, because anyone who behaves in vile ways towards strangers is likely to stink of evil on their person. Why would a sane person take personally the choice of belief of others who do no harm in society? Infact shares their talent. Because some people just only know to spread the hate within themself. When someone threatens murder, the police need to be involved. Those kinds of people with extreme mental illness do commit violence.

  4. Interviews given only to pro-government media channels for maximum sympathy. Got a new album coming out has she.

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